A review by sabbygee
A Different Blue by Amy Harmon


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BEAUTIFUL. This book is beautiful. I'm literally hitting the backspace over and over again writing this review because there are no words to fully describe just how beautifully written A Different Blue. Yes, it is one of those books.

Right from the start I was drawn in by a very thrilling prologue. Normally it takes a few chapters for me to really get into a book but with this one? The prologue? BAM. I knew I was going to enjoy the book just because of the author's way with words. And I was not disappointed.

What if what you believed about yourself or about your life is simply a myth that is holding you back?

The story tells of a broken girl named Blue and her journey to discovering herself. It wasn't hard to like Blue because despite her angst, she was actually a genuinely good person. She's a tough girl with a witty sense of humor. Aside from that, Blue is also a talented sculptor using wood as her medium. She was able to express herself through her pieces and each one told a different story. Her carving served as a sort of coping mechanism for her, I guess. What I liked about Blue's transformation throughout the story was that it happened at a steady pace; it made everything believable. She didn't have that one big moment where she just decides it's time for a change - she had plenty of those moments, good ones and ugly ones. And at every one of those moments I found myself laughing with her, even crying with her! Okay I didn't literally cry but I'm pretty sure my heart did.

A big part of Blue's transformation was Wilson.... Darcy Wilson. I'm not kidding, his first name is Darcy. And he's British. And he loves history. And he owns a Subaru. It's like Amy Harmon knew all the things I liked and put them all in a character! I absolutely loved how Blue and Wilson's relationship developed - nothing felt rushed or drawn out. I felt all warm and fuzzy whenever Wilson would show his affections in subtle ways. At a time where a lot of romances in Young Adult and New Adult books are insta love, it was refreshing to read a book where the love story progressed naturally.

Blue's transformation, her relationship with Wilson, how her story unfolded - everything was at the right pace. That's one of the things that kept me reading the book nonstop (once I had the free time that is). I was able to appreciate all the Native American lore and flashbacks about Blue and Jimmy because of the book's pacing. I thought I'd be overwhelmed with all the stories and history lectures but it actually made the story all the more enjoyable. Combine that with how vivid Harmon's descriptions were from the way Blue's carvings looked to the way she felt. The writing was simply ahmazing.

A story about revelations and redemption (and a lot more R's.... you'll see) and everything else that comes along with it, A Different Blue is one book I certainly will never forget.

(I received a copy of this book for review. This review is based solely on my opinion.)