A review by vivvklaarbergen
Beach Read by Emily Henry


beach read 
emily henry. 4 stars. romance

when I first read this book, I was mostly hung up on my hatred for characters with month & day names, but that turned out to be quite irrelevant in the face of January Andrews and Emily Henry’s work.

however, I understand much of the criticism on how this book sometimes feels a little fake deep, or falls a little flat. I still love it dearly, and I love Gus Everett with everything in me and the understanding that January slowly gets for him, but it’s not my favourite book of emily’s. it was, in fact, one of the few I could not remember clearly even though it was the second I’d read of hers.

it has a hint of the playful banter for which I love Emily’s work, but it lacks the character depth that PWMOV and her other work has. it doesn’t have as much detail to her characters, although the scenery has a lot of detail and inside jokes woven into it, it’s less effective than in PWMOV. so for that, I rate it a little lower.

“when I watch you sleep, I feel overwhelmed that you exist.”

it’s hard to explain exactly what I liked less about this book, because most of the time I’m the kind of person who rates and reviews based on the feeling I am left with after reading the last sentence and closing the book. as much as I wish I was, I’m not the kind of reviewer who keeps tabs on likes and dislikes while reading—unless they’re so present they’re unavoidable.

anyway, I liked beach read a lot but would have to put it below PWMOV for now, based almost entirely on the feeling I was left with after reading it.