A review by archangelesq
Redshirts by John Scalzi


I absolutely loved this book. I've read some of the negative reviews, and while I see their merit, I just cannot agree. While I do not rate it as equal to other 5 star books I have read, I enjoyed it more than books to which I have given 4 stars. I knew nothing about this book when I picked it up in a used book store, and it did not disappoint. I am a sucker for meta-fiction, so this one had me. I've never read anything by Scalzi, but he will be added to the list.

I will agree that I got more emotion from the codas at the end, but I do not see that as a bad thing. I think this book is a fun way to look at what makes us human, and I love stories like that. It was fun sci-fi. It made me want to watch Star Trek and/or Galaxy Quest.

My goal this year is to mostly read books I have never read before. This will definitely be going on the list of books that I will have difficult to not re-read in the near future.