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A review by kevin_shepherd
The Lost Boy by Greg Ruth


so there's Crow's Woods, The Kingdom, Buttonfolk, Buglings, Woodlanders, The Shadows, Laamia Trees, The Gate Key, The Gate Tree, Haloran, Curly Bill, Pettibone, The Vespertine, Tamalane, The Barrowlands, Owlrider Clans, Whining Moss, Mousefoot Tribes, Tupperton, Laamia Berries, Morphic Fields, Apelings, Mount Larkin, The Saltless Sea, Willow Women, Baron Tick, Mikken, The Vale of Isobel, The Great Accord, Buttonton, The Outlands, Harker's Drop, Walt, Nate, Tabitha, Ten Men, The Barrowood, The Giant Soldiers, Twirken's Beard, Jeff...


The artwork is fantastic, but the plot line seemed just a tad convoluted. I feel like I would have enjoyed the story more were it set in a less complicated landscape. As it is, it's as though Harry Potter joined forces with a hobbit on a quest to Oz. Not that that is a horrible thing, it's just a lot to remember.