A review by alyssaindira
Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout



“Love is a strange creature one thinks one has a grasp on and understanding of, only to discover later that it was only the barest taste of the real thing."

Danggg that cliffhanger, I feel sorry for the people who had to read that and not have the next book immediately ready to start. This book was pretty good for the most part. It picked up where the first left off, and it has the same writing flow and undertones. I was a bit pissed at a certain character but just like layla, i was confused about my feelings for them. To be honest, it felt like I was in a twilight fanfic where bella is stuck between jacob and edward, and trying to figure out who she wanted, etc, and how each guy shows her how it would be with them and yada yada. I am definitely on a certain team, but idk, the guy I usually picks doesnt get the girl :/...
Layla is just trying to figure out how to deal with everything and now there are more issues and goodness just give the girl a break...But I admire her resilence and strength and just desire to be a person, without all the crap around her head and all the pressure. She just wants to be able to freely kiss a guy my god.
Zayne...I feel like his feelings are wishy wash. i think...he does care, but, idk, I definitely think he would be the type to coddle and hide his woman, instead of letting her be a badass when desired. He is a protector, and there is nothing wrong with that. But...layla doesnt need protecting. She needs a warrior to stand beside her, not shield her. I think Zayne definitely cares, but...at what cost?

Roth, my man. I have a few bones to pick with you. I had a feeling you were complex, and since I have read JLA, i knew something was off. You are intriguing and goodness me I do like them bad bois. And you are literally....yeah. Aha, butI swear the heartache, my man...just own up to some free will for once, eh?

Alright, this is all my ramblings, if you want your own, read the book.