A review by allysonwbrunette
Adventures in Opting Out: A Field Guide to Leading an Intentional Life by Cait Flanders


I pre-ordered this book to receive it as soon as it was released back in 2020 after reading Cait Flanders' first book, The Year of Less. I loved The Year of Less so much I couldn't wait to jump into her next release. After buying it, I didn't end up reading it for a full year. But the timing was just right when I finally got around to reading it. Opting Out offers insights on the obstacles you may face when you decide to take a direction in life that is unconventional, be it traveling, not drinking, not having children, changing careers, etc. Flanders compares the journey to self acceptance within your own decisions to climbing a mountain and offers advice for each segment of your own journey. She shares parallels and experiences from her own life and her desire to live a travel-centric lifestyle that is also environmentally conscious. If you're at a juncture in your life where you're weighing making a shift that may not be welcomed by those around you, this is a great read to take the temperature on your own comfort level with your impending decisions.