A review by halcyon_rising
Geen uitweg by Taylor Adams


The first two days I read this book, I only managed to get to a little over 40 pages each day, but man did that third reading day go well. The novel is pretty fast-paced, one of those you could very well read in one sitting, if you're not too slow a reader, and have an evening to yourself.

As for the main story, man does Darcy think she's clever, lol, but of course for the plot to work in the way it did, there had to have been a few things she wasn't considering and that's where things went wrong, and turned bloody.

While in the end some strange decisions were made, and something kinda really dumb happened, I guess when you see it occur, it almost makes sense? As in you see it coming? Yeah. Geesh. Of course that would happen, it so often does.

I do want to give a shout-out to our 7-year-old kidnap victim, Jay. She was written to be more clever than any of the adults in the room, and while she had a life-threatening disease, it never played up during all the days she was kidnapped, yay! Atta, girl.

Happy Reading!