A review by paigelm
The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna


She is a copy, albeit an incomplete or different copy from her original, but Eva's purpose in life is to be the exact copy of the girl she is copied from. She not only looks like Amarra, the girl that she spends her life learning about, but she has to learn to look and act like her. When the Amarra's life is terminated, she has to go become her, live with parents, date her boyfriend, befriend her friends. The chance of success, of convincing everyone that Amarra is not dead, but reborn into another body is less than slim. What a messed up life to live always having to be someone else, and then when you finally are expected to it becomes a painful experience, living up to the expectations of someone you never were.

People love echoes and people hate them. They are hunted by random radicals. They are controlled by the overwhelming power that the "Loom" has. Echoes are created in the Loom and they only ever leave the Loom once, hardly twice, for if they return it is because the an echo is returning to fill a Sleep Order, because the way they acted or what they did was not close enough to their original copy.

Some of the metaphors and dilemmas that were brought up in the echo world were terrifying and seemed to achievable in the way we live with the mantra we do about certain classes, races, and castes of people. The movement of society to "other" people, creates these highly immoral situations where we would not allow certain treatment to happen to someone who looks or acts like us, or that we understand, but we would allow it to happen to people that we do not understand. Additionally, there is a great underlying discussion of how we treat death as a society and how to move on from that experience.