A review by justiceofkalr
Mass Effect: Retribution by Drew Karpyshyn


This wasn't quite as good as the two previous Mass Effect books, though it was still enjoyable. The biggest problem was that this book takes place after the second game and there were points where it felt like it was trying way too hard to avoid mentioning any choices that the player made in those games. Obviously since everyone's playthrough is going to be different it would be near impossible to incorporate material from the games, but it felt like it kind of left big holes in this story. Not in terms of plot, but in terms of feeling connected to the whole Mass Effect universe. Since the earlier books took place earlier in the series, they had fewer major game choices to avoid mentioning. Events in this book do get referenced in the third game, so it's enjoyable simply for that if you're a fan of the series. I also liked seeing more of Aria, though something about her interaction with Cerberus and the Illusive Man seemed off. Perhaps that was just grief over the loss of
Spoiler Liselle, her daughter