A review by reads_must
The Odyssey of Fletcher by


The Odyssey of Fletcher
Erik Dargitz

I love a good post-apocalyptic book so I was excited to read this one.

The pacing was slow, but this may have been on purpose as it imitated the way that life became boring and monotonous for Fletcher.

The characters were well developed and I liked Jordan and Natalie in particular. They both had a great sense of humour and I liked the way that Natalie would try to tease and embarrass Fletcher. Margot was sweet and endearing. It was sad the way her story ended.

When the characters changed their names, it became tricky to read as everytime someone was mentioned, it was followed by (who used to be.....). Fletcher annoyed me at times. He used his unique position to get what he wanted. He changed and he took advantage of people but after a while, he tried to put things right. 

The plot got more interesting after the 55% mark. I did predict some of the plot twists but they were still interesting to read. I liked the way the author included humour and philosophy  throughout the book.

I liked the ending and the epilogue was a nice touch.

This was a great debut, I'd definitely read another book set in this world, with these characters. 

*Thank you to @dargitz22 for providing this ARC. This is my own opinion and an honest review, which I am leaving voluntarily*