A review by haia_929
Bream Gives Me Hiccups: And Other Stories by Jesse Eisenberg


This is a trimmed down version of my review, to view the full review visit The Book Ramble.

I received a copy of this book from Grove Atlantic on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This collection of short stories and humor piece by Jesse Eisenberg features work he has already published in other sources, like McSweeney's, and some new content that was previously unreleased. Eisenberg's writing features social commentary that mostly reflects a certain lifestyle in New York but also various other social commentaries can be seen.

I was a big fan of Eisenberg's Bream Gives Me Hiccups series over on McSweeney's so I got really excited when I saw this was coming out in a book. I generally enjoyed Eisenberg's sort of dry sense of humor and really enjoy his social commentaries, though I'm not always certain I'm understanding everything he's commenting on because it's often a specific sort of New York commentary that I'm not super familiar with. I found this book pretty funny, it was divided into 9 parts. To me the strongest was the first part, and after that things sort of slid a bit which left me a little disappointed.

For me the order of the pieces left the book in kind of a weird place. The whole book was funny but the order of things left things feeling a little flat and disappointing because the strongest stuff opened the book and a lot of the weaker stuff was at the end. I still really enjoyed and recommend this book, I just think it could have used a little reordering and editing.