A review by just_fighting_censorship
Batman & Robin, Vol. 3: Batman & Robin Must Die! by Grant Morrison


What the hell did I just read?

After the big reveal of the previous volume I was so excited to dive into this one...

Except I was immediately confused and remained confused for a good portion of the book. I actually thought that maybe my copy was missing pages, it wasn't.

In the last volume Grayson was searching for clues about where Batman was, he thought that he was maybe lost in time...? There was a ton of build up and then in this volume everything was just chaos. Did I miss something? Where was Batman? Who is this weird Wayne ancestor, and why was he saying he was Thomas Wayne? The Pyg storyline with the virus addition was interesting but was also completely overshadowed by the randomness of everything else.

I enjoyed the Joker plot line, but maybe that's just because I happy to understand something.

This whole volume just felt rushed and the return of Batman was very anti-climatic.

Also, Batman Incorporated....