A review by onebraveleap
#starstruck by Sariah Wilson


A quick look at '#Starstruck' by Sariah Wilson
-Zoe Miller is a normal college student who happens to follow A-lister Chase Covington movie star extraordinaire on Twitter. And she likes Jeopardy! And she was raised in a Amish home. So, you know, she’s your normal kinda girl.
-She tweets Chase and he responds. This starts a chain reaction of encounters that lead them to becoming friends and then more than friends.
-But as Zoe gets wrapped up in Chase’s life, she makes decisions that could ruin everything and almost does.
My Take on the Book :
Movie star meets normal girl. Very Funny. She’s injured someone with a bowling ball, slammed the door in his face, and called him out on Twitter. Everything I've come to love about Sariah Wilson's books.

Let's Talk About the Girl...
Zoe Miller has liked Chase Covington for years. It’s hard not to like a handsome movie star. But she had no idea that a simple three word tweet would change her life and put her on his radar.

“You’ve done better.”

Simple, Honest, no emojis. No big deal. Until Chase replies. Then her boring life as a college student is shaken up and she doesn’t know how to feel about it all. When she gets to meet Chase and be an extra on his movie, she still doesn’t know what to feel about all of this. And when he offers her a PA job after she injuries his actual personal assistant with a bowling ball, she really doesn’t know what to feel about anything anymore.

Let's Talk About the Guy...
Chase is a movie star with obvious trust issues. And an addictive personality. He struggles to have a real life and keep doing to work that he loves. When he reads Zoe’s tweet he knows he’s found someone who it’s going to tell him what he wants to hear or over use emojis.

He gets a little obsessed with her profile and life. He can’t help but want to talk to her, get to know her better, and make her bake him cookies. (She bragged about her cookies on Twitter and he’s thought of little else since).

Let's Talk about the Story...
This is one of those classic Sariah Wilson books, that don’t rely on steamy scenes to develop affection or love. But this story does have some interesting bedroom moments. When he makes his assistant go out and buy her the ugliest pajamas in existence complete with ruffles and bows…and he still finds her irresistible, well you know it’s going to be funny.

The story is nice with a steady pace. Dates and interactions between the two of them help you get the full picture of each of their personalities. Chase really does try hard to sweep Zoe off her feet. Zoe lets her goals and insecurities almost ruin their relationship, but both of them are betrayed in the end. How they deal with the fall out wasn’t what I expected, which I liked.

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