A review by drey72
Hallowed Circle by Linda Robertson


Persephone Alcmedi has accepted certain truths in her life. She’s a witch. She’s done bad things. She’s friends with weres. She’s linked to a super-scary vamp. And she now has a foster daughter. But no way is she going to accept that she’s the Lustrata!

But that’s a worry for another day. The temporary High Priestess of the Cleveland coven — since Vivian’s “missing” — wants Seph to compete for the actual position. Something about not wanting another power-hungry Vivian type taking over… Knowing how bad Vivian was for the coven, Seph reluctantly agrees. Next thing she knows, she’s in a top-witch-takes-all competition for High Priestess. Then the competitors start dying…

Hallowed Circle is chock-full of plot and action, and I love that Seph grows as a character. She finds her strength, and reconciles herself to the fact that sometimes you have no choice but to do harm. And she learns that moving forward — whatever the circumstances, whatever the consequences — is not a bad thing when it’s done for the right reasons. Whether you want to, or are ready to.

I’m glad I picked up this series, it’s heart-of-gold plus quirky plus serious mojo equals entertaining reading. I’m moving on to Fatal Circle next!

drey’s rating: Excellent!