A review by ctorretta
Death's Dream Kingdom by Jessica Penot


It’s funny, I just read and loved Jessica Penot’s Twilight Saint and now I can say the same for Deaths’ Dream Kingdom. It’s a very intriguing book that literally keeps you guessing, which honestly is great for me because I can not stand it when I know at page two what is going to happen at the end!

I’ve also been reading a bit of mythology and you’ll find that in here also but it never weighs the book down, it adds to the information in the book and there is a lot! At times it is a little much with the information and you may find yourself waning, just keep with the story, it always comes back!

Cera, one of the main characters is very interesting. The only thing I didn’t much like was at the beginning when she starts questioning everything. After living a life full of following you would think it would take her a little while to come to terms with her death. But she takes the bull by the horns and does anything and everything she can to figure out what is in store for her. And of course I guess this does make sense after figuring out that your God isn’t really there for you and that the pearly gates of heaven and all that jazz isn’t what you are going to get. Cera really comes together for me about halfway through and her decision making starts to make more sense.

Arawyn and Cin probably take the favorite character awards. Cin is so devilish, you just can’t figure out if she’s out for her own skin or if she has some goodness in her. Arawyn… well! He’s Arawyn! Handsome and also devilish, but yummy!!

Plot overall was really good. Ups and downs here and there, some slow parts but totally worth getting to the end. Love the mythology and the settings!! The way Jessica Penot writes is definitely out of the box.

And that cover!! Beautiful!