A review by caseroo7
Compromising Her Position by Samanthe Beck


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I have become quite a fan of Samanthe Beck's over the last few years. She always packs a ton of heat into her stories, and I can never get enough of the sexy times between her characters. Compromising Her Position was another example of just how good she is at that, and I loved the steam between these characters. One thing I will caution potential readers about before starting this book is that the opening of this book has a bit of a gray area when it comes to the sex between Rafe and Chelsea. While Chelsea thinks that she is having sex with the guy she is dating, Paul, it is actually Rafe instead. While this might be a problem for some, it was in the blurb for the book and the fact is that Rafe didn't know that she thought he was someone else until after they were through. So for me, this wasn't a deal breaker when it came to the story, but readers should know that before starting.

When Chelsea Wayne drags Santa into a closet at her company party, she thinks that she is with the man she has been dating for the last several months. Instead it is actual Rafe St. Sebastian the rich and handsome new CEO and owner for her company. Despite the heat between them and the amazing sex in the closet, Chelsea and Rafe know that they should avoid one another. The last thing Rafe needs while trying to convince his father that he is ready to take over is to get caught up in a potential scandal. But when Chelsea becomes an important part of their business plan, Rafe sets out to convince her to help him. But Rafe is hoping that he can also get her back into bed with him personally as well as professionally.

I liked these characters a lot. They were each really interesting characters to me and the heat between these two was so explosive! Right from the very start these two kicked things off with a bang, and the chemistry was everything I have come to expect from Samanthe Beck. She has a way of writing such steamy books, and Rafe and Chelsea's story was no exception. The one thing I thought could have been different though was the actual connection between them. When it came to the the physical it was so easy to see, but I felt like the reader needed to see a bit more of these two getting to really know one another. I wanted more interactions between these two that showed them growing closer besides just in a physical way. At times their relationship felt a bit rushed, and I think a lot of that was because we didn't see much actually develop on an emotional level.

Overall, this was a steamy story with some holiday fun thrown in and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Samanthe Beck's writing style is so easy to get lost in and I really like her voice. There are a few authors that are go-to authors for me when it comes to sexy books, and Samanthe Beck is at the top of that list. She never fails to bring the heat and she never disappoints. While this wasn't my favorite book from Samanthe Beck, I did really like it and I know I will read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**