A review by amym84
Archangel's Prophecy by Nalini Singh


Back in New York, and focusing again on Raphael and Elena, Archangel's Prophecy finds the titular Archangel and his consort again dealing with the ebb and flow of the Cascade. Although this time it comes in the form of a prophecy directed at Elena foretelling the death of one so another can live. While Elena would never go down without a fight, she's inexplicably finding herself regressing in her immortality. Losing strength, losing weight, losing feathers.

Meanwhile, Elena is pulled into a matter for the Guild after her brother-in-law is found nearly decapitated. While on the hunt for the perpetrator, Elena connects his attack to other various attacks around the city over the past weeks. Elena is racing against time as she tries to put the pieces together in order to keep her family safe and continues to deteriorate.

I always love when this series comes back to Raphael and Elena. Seeing as how the pair started out the series, I always feel a little more grounded when Nalini Singh decides to revisit "home base" as it were. It also always throws me when there's reference to events from previous Raphael and Elena centered books as being years ago. It's a correct assessment, but I am always jolted by how much time it's been. Time flies I guess.

I've always appreciated the way Nalini Singh has crafted this series and the number of times a character, or characters, have gone through a change or development. Archangel's Prophecy certainly fits that bill with the mystery of what's happening to Elena taking center stage throughout the entirety. Singh leaves things on a bit of a cliffhanger as by the end it's still not completely clear what changes we can expect to see from Ellie in the next book(s), but as in the past, I trust Nalini Singh to give these characters storylines that are true and fit with the narrative of the series as a whole, that make sense.

Besides always loving the interactions between Raphael and Elena, their bond is #goals for sure, I loved being back in New York. I loved seeing Ellie doing work for the Guild again. Back in familiar territory and with many familiar faces of family and friends, even dealing with the attack on her brother-in-law and what that attack could mean for her sister and niece, with the prophecy surrounding Elena, if the story had taken place anywhere else I think it would have been too jarring, too much unknown and unfamiliarity happening along with the personal happenings to Ellie. This story couldn't have worked so well had Raphael and Elena not been home in New York.

With the trend of Nalini Singh in the past few years has been to alternate between her main pair and that of Raphael's seven, I'm kinda hoping she picks up where Archangel's Prophecy left off since the ending seems to naturally lead readers into the "what happens next" phase. Regardless, there's a reason this series is a must read for me, and everyone (!), and it's because Nalini Singh has crafted such a fine series full of surprisingly wonderful characters and storylines that, too, can be surprising, but that she always pulls off with much aplomb. I simply cannot wait to find out where things go next!