A review by ekyoder
All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld


All the Birds, Singing read like the best sort of horror story: slow reveals, paranoia, unrelenting suspense. Wyld masterfully built a creepy, haunting atmosphere both in Australia and on an English island. I loved her use of nature to contribute to the mood: birds sing at times of consequence, dogs take on their owners' personalities, vulnerable sheep get stuck in the landscape and freeze at signs of danger.

The book's structure was somewhat off-putting at first. Chapters alternate between the present--our protagonist, Jake, cares for sheep by herself on a British island-- and the past that led her there from Australia. The past chapters slowly work back in time, revealing the situations and circumstances that Jake fled in her homeland.

The work felt complete to me. Still, with the slow, suspenseful build, I expected something more of a payoff with the ending.