A review by barefootsong
Travelers' Tales France by Sean Patrick O’Reilly, Sean Joseph O'Reilly, James O'Reilly, Larry Habegger


Many interesting glimpses of the places and people of France, with a wide variety of experiences to read about. The second to last section ("Part Four: In the Shadows") is a bit of a downer, but it still provides valuable insight into some darker events and issues (national memory, prostitution, and the unexploded remnants of wars).

Also, these stories were all written in the early 1990s and a lot has changed since then (even just at the broader global level of which I'm aware -- so I'm sure there have been significant national changes as well), so I had to keep reminding myself of the time frame being highlighted. (I wish they'd do a new edition with new stories. This was re-copyrighted in 2002, but that was just for the introduction and the "guide" at the end.)

I love the Travelers' Tales series. They always have an excellent selection of stories (I don't think I've read one with a story I truly disliked in it) and while they may not be the kinds of experiences I will have should I ever venture to the country or city in question, I still find the stories delightful, exhilarating, interesting, and/or inspirational.