A review by ctorretta
Love & Zombies by Eric Shapiro


Ok, this starts and I was totally floored.

I recently read another blogger saying if she isn't pulled in by page 100 then she hangs up that book. I did not have any such problems with this book! It grabs you from page ONE and takes you for a tremendous ride.

Firstly, I love the narration. Henry is a bit kookie (only word I can think of to describe this guy!) but we all are a bit, right? And it shows as he's telling his story. It's flat out hilarious at points and heart stopping in other areas. There are some things he does that I totally agree with and then in the next instant I'm like WHAT?!!! But I love that about him. He's unpredictable and in this story, you need to be to survive.

Secondly, I freaking love these zombies! They are the take no prisoners type, seriously! They run, and leap, and freaking tear your throat out before you even get the chance TO scream! No way can you walk fast around these guys. You better have a plan of escape and if you don't do it fast, then you're zombie food! I loved every bloody minute of it! Now, I know some of you out there are the hard core Romero zombie types, but it's a book, why not have some fun with it!

And lastly, the plot was amazing. This does not stop once it gets started, and it started on page one. Absolutely fabulous writing. I felt like my life was hanging in the balance and then looked up and realized, hey zombies really don't exist and my dogs need to go out! The two main guys are hilarious, Henry and Sam, and while Henry is going on about what is happening in his life and with his girlfriend, Sam is just absolutely a nut case! They make this story fabulous. Even the non-zombie parts are worth reading!

Can't wait to read more of Eric Shapiro's work! Totally a new fan!

Ohh... and I love this cover!!! Ohhh and those that love zombie books, this does have some cursing and some talk about sex... Definitely an adult book!