A review by adamdavidcollings
Failstate by John W. Otte


Failstate is just another teenage superhero competing for the prized vigilante license on a reality TV show. His power is the ability to break and destroy stuff. Not so glamerous. He’s a bit of an underdog, which I love, and his life is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Failstate was great fun to read. It defies the cliches of both superhero fiction and young adult fiction. It took me places I really didn't expect it to. That is not to say it didn't keep it's narrative promises.

The characters were well-rounded and develloped. I alwys kmow an author has done a good job with their characters when I have strong emotional rections to these people who don't exist. This happened with Failstate. I identified closely with the main character. I felt like I was in his shoes, along for the ride.

I look forward to seeing where this series goes next.