A review by foggy_rosamund
All My Mad Mothers by Jacqueline Saphra


These poems are deceptively simple: I found them easy to understand, but they are full of emotion and nuanced details of life. Mothers and motherhood is one of the major themes here: both the experience of having and being a mother. Saphra's poetry is concise and deft, but I found it hard to discover her voice. A unique use of language didn't seem to exist here -- it's one thing to take a subtle and controlled approach to writing, but Saphra's own voice seemed to disappear. Or it exists not in her use of language, but in her ideas and the lively and imaginative stories she tells. The poems are interspersed with short sections presented in italics, which seem to tell interlinking stories: these I found the least successful, as they often feel prosaic and don't mesh well with the poems themselves. However many of these poems are excellent: imaginative, thought-provoking and full of barely controlled emotion. This is certainly the work of an accomplished writer, and is to be admired as such.