A review by kathydavie
The Beast in Him by Shelly Laurenston


Second in the paranormal-romance Pride series set in contemporary New York City. The series revolves around the romances involving the Llewellyn and Smith shifter clans

The Story
The Beast in Him opens with Mace and Smitty's new security service handling a party event for computer geeks. No big. Until Smitty realizes that the president of the sponsoring company is little Jessie Ann, the girl he loved as a kid. The girl he's fantasized about since he left her behind in Smithtown. The woman, today, who practically spits in his eye when they meet on the dance floor.

Ever since Bobby Ray rejected her his last night in Smithtown before shipping out for the Navy, Jessie Ann has burned to be able to reject him right back. And it was truly satisfying for her. Except, Bobby Ray doesn't seem to get that it was a rejection.

The Characters
Bobby Ray Smith is a wolf shifter from the notorious Smith clan. No shifter dares tangle with a Smith for the Smiths are known far and wide for the hurt the entire clan and their allies will bring down on anyone hurting one of their own.

Mace Llewellyn is a lion shifter who married Dez in the first book in the Pride series, The Mane Event: Christmas Pride, 1. They have a son now and just being a housewife has Dez climbing the walls. It's so bad that Mace has secretly put in a call to the old job begging that they ask her back.

Jessie Ray Ward is a wild dog shifter. Orphaned at a young age, she ended up being raised in Smithtown, terrorized by Sissy Mae Smith and her Pack of wolves. Since then, she's put her geeky sense to work building a million-dollar company as well as a strong, healthy wild dog pack.

My Take
I enjoyed this very much. Technically, I guess it's erotica but it's very playful with Bobby Ray refusing to take no for an answer and Jessie Ann just wild dog enough to understand him.

A fun, romantic read.

The Cover
The cover is low-key and classy with its jeans-clad ripped male body being caressed by the woman standing behind him. And a full moon peeking out from behind her. The title is the secret. The secret Jessie Ann is trying to entice from Bobby Ray.