A review by skippen
Down these Dark Spaceways by Mike Resnick


Down the Dark Spaceways is a collection of novellas/short stories in the tradition of Issac Asimov's Caves of Steel--or is supposed to be. It is a collection, mostly, of mysteries set in a sci-fi world, and many have a Hammet/Chandler feel. Lots of these stories start with poor, down-on-their-luck PIs when hot women walk into their office and need help. Overall, not bad but not great. The stories:

Guardian Angel, Mike Resnick -- completely forgettable, and done completely in the style of Chandler/Hammet to its deteriment. Predictable and uninteresting.

In the Quake Zone, David Gerrold -- the best of the lot. More a time-travel story with gender identification/sexuality issues (quite the surprise) than a mystery. Of the lot, this one feels out of place, but it has the best story and best background.

The City of Cries, Catherine Asaro -- pretty good, probably the third best in the book.

Camouflage, Robert Reed -- a mystery set in his Great Ship series (started with Marrow). Not bad, and interesting to return to the Great Ship. It was good to get back there.

The Big Downtown, Jack McDevitt -- McDevitt, for me, is one of the more underrated sci-fi authors out there, and his writing is always solid. It is solid here as well, and the story is enjoyable, but nothing special and nothing I would return too.

Identity Theft, Robert J. Sawyer -- Predictable in many ways due to its paying homage to the old classics, but the mystery and settings is intriguing enough that I liked this one. It was a bit too long for what it was, but the world he built in this novella is interesting enough I would like to go back.