A review by shealwaysreads
Reign by Elizabeth Knox


Hot holy hell. This book was just what I need in the hot steamy Romance Genre. Mixed with the compelling storyline of Biker and FBI I found the story to be comical, action packed and fueled with scenes to makes your panties drop.

It’s been awhile since I became engrossed in a novel I knew up front would be filled with steamy scenes. I am glad to be back and full throttled with the Skull Renegade series.

While the pace was quick often skipping ahead 3 weeks at a time, a full story was created while allowing the reader to fill in the blank of the missing timeframe.

The characters developed quickly and while the romance department happen sight on seen it worked well and became more defined as a relationship that not only lasted just based on physical appearance.

Testing the limits of the biker realm and rewriting what negative image they do have. Adding the twist of the that became just a mind-boggling jaw dropping intense ride.

The journey also concludes with one ending while introducing us to our next heroine that will lead the way in book two.