A review by kaylakaotik
The Dream Jumper's Secret by Kim Hornsby


Sometimes when there's a long gap between the time I read one book in a series and the next, I worry that it will be hard for me to remember what happened or find my groove in the story. Since it's been more than a year since I read the first book, I thought this might be the case. However, there are little details in this book that jolted my memories of the first book and my worrying was for nothing. That being said, you still need to read the first book in order to get the full story.

The Dream Jumper's Secret was even better than The Dream Jumper's Promise. The second book picks up right where the first book left off, so there's no lull in the story. I felt completely immersed this time around (where it took me a while to get into the first book). I felt like something was constantly happening and my attention was focused.

I found it very interesting that the author included some research notes at the end of the book (along with a couple of recipes). It's little things like that that I really love.

I definitely recommend checking out this series. I've really enjoyed it and I look forward to reading the third book.

* This book was received from the author in exchange for an honest review. *