A review by jdieterle13
Survive the Night by Riley Sager


Charlie gets into a car with a total stranger. She knows she shouldn't. Her roommate was killed by "the campus killer" and while that is all the more reason to not trust a ride from someone she doesn't know, she HAS to get off campus and get to the safety of her grandma. What happens that night is something you only see in the movies.

I had LOW expectations going into this book even though I LOVE Riley Sager's books. I saw lots of reviews that said this book was predictable, slow, and identical to "No Exit". I went in telling myself it would be mediocre at best. It might have been the low expectations or the fact that it really wasn't like "No Exit" in the ways I was imagining, but I really loved this book.

Is it my favorite Sager? No.... I think this falls right into the middle of how I would rank them. I loved that the book was set in the 90s. I am TERRIBLE at movies and movie quotes. My husband LOVES to say "name that movie" after he says a quote and I may have known the answer 1 out of the 278 times he has asked. I did a buddy read with @bamabookgal for this book and it was probably the only buddy read I have ever done that we finished on the same day and could text about things as they happened. Definitely going to pat myself on the back for that. We did predict one of the twists coming but didn't see the others.

There were things in the first half of the book that initially bothered me but I came to love them and how they shaped the main character, Charlie. I loved that the book was partially character driven for Charlie (spoiler alert: she is a badass) but mostly a fast-paced thriller. I could NOT put this down once I started!