A review by daybreak
Superman/Wonder Woman, Volume 4: Dark Truth by Doug Mahnke, Peter J. Tomasi


Yo that was soo good! A great step up from the French Tome 2!

This issue deals primarily with a post-revelation-of-Supes'-identity and a weak Superman.

In the continuing tradition of uber confusing story telling of these collected (French) editions, I hd no idea whatsoever how we reached that point and what in the world was going on. But I loved it to pieces.

This particular issue depicts a very different Superman. One that is not the usual perfect Mr Boy scout. And it was so refreshing. He felt so real and so human.

I loved how they illustrated the consequences of the world knowing his identity. His relationships with others, how they felt betrayed or it just dawned on them how blind they had been. I loved how loved he was and how much he loved.

I enjoyed how he felt betrayed by WW and Lois, that he felt resentment, how he second guessed proposing to WW and never took the leap...

I particularly adored the questions put forward with the loss of his powers : what is Superman without his powers? I liked how clear it is that his power shaped a lot of who he is. The need to protect others, the feeling of invulnerability and the prideful I-don't-need-to-be-protected thing.

It was all so refreshing. Loved it!

P.S: really liked Parasite for some reason.

Btw awesome quote : "La vie n'a cessé de faire obstacle à la vie."