A review by labalkana
Let Me Love You by Megan Smith


Jaylinn wants to "inhale the future, exhale the past". She wants to move forward but Connor is stuck in the past, blaming himself for what happened to her. It's the reason the got closer. But it's also the reason he keeps holding back.

With the prologue we get a glimpse into Jaylinn's nightmares. That had me instantly interested and made this the heaviest book in the series so far. Her thoughts on being dirty were just sad.

Afterwards the story starts off, where the previous book ended, with Cooper's confession.
I thought this would be the big issue here. As Cooper had a secret, something he kept from her because he wanted to protect her. And he was afraid of her reaction. Because that's how these books worked so far.
Cooper was such a sweet one but he also irritated me. I didn't get why he didn't just talk to her about his worries. Not that it wasn't believable.

But I loved how things turned out. I loved how Jaylinn adressed the problem I had with the previous stories.
Out of the three girls we got know better, she's definitely my favourite. She's broken but also so strong. She's so reasonable, always open and honest, explaining that he can't keep things from her. And hands down to her for not throwing Brittany, who happens to be a crazy bitch and her half-sister, into his face later.

I enjoyed how playful the two of them together were. I read the previous books and I knew their story but somehow I was surprised they weren't official. I mean they were practically living together, always around one another.
And I enjoyed Eli. I totally get that he's just so hot, you can't not be attracted to him and blush when he's around, I'd love too see him again in the following books.

And of course this ended with another cliffhanger. I'm going to get me the next book, for sure.