A review by lazygal
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


I'm giving this 3 stars because IT'S ANOTHER FRICKIN' SERIES. I cannot tell you how much I hate this "let's thin out the plot and extend the profits by making the book a trilogy (or more)" trend. Publishers have oohed and aahed over each book, and NO. It is NOT exciting and the thought that there's a sequel or two does not make me get all tingly. For the love of all that's holy, stop!

Ok, now that's out of my system...

Dana's being raised by a single, alcoholic mother, moving every few months. She's been forced to grow up too quickly, doing all the adult work in the house (paying bills, etc.). She's also very embarrassed by her mother's antics, wishing that just once she could have a normal mother. The last straw is Mom's behavior at Dana's vocal recital.

So Dana decides to run away to finally meet her father. Thing is, Dad lives in Avalon, a city-state that's technically in England but is actually a separate entity that links to Faerie. Oh, and Dad's a very powerful Fae. Mom, of course, is human. Dana's introduction to Avalon is not quite the warm, fuzzy greeting she'd like to have gotten; she's basically imprisoned by her Aunt Grace. And then rescued by the impossibly good-looking Ethan and his sister Kimber... which is great until the Spriggans appear (don't ask).

There's a whole lot of "Seelie Court" this and "Unseelie Court" that (read Marr's Wicked Lovely series for more on this topic) and a Knight and his incredibly good-looking rebel son and more kidnappings and fighting and, well... you get the picture. Dana's trust in people is continually being challenged, particularly after Mom flies to Avalon to take her back. And Dad? Like the others, there's manipulation and hidden motivation going on.

With a little good editing, some tightening up of the plot and a commitment to a larger physical book, this could have been one really good book (didn't Twilight, Inkheart and the last four Harry Potters, not to mention Larsson's Millennium trilogy prove that people will read thick books?). As it is, my guess is that it will make an ok series.

ARC provided by publisher.