A review by lillic
Password to Larkspur Lane by Carolyn Keene


This book made no sense at all. I’m not saying it was a terrible book, I actually quite enjoyed it.
Let’s see why it makes no sense (spoilers!):

1. A literal bird dropping into Nancy’s hands; now I understand that this is essential to the plot but I just don’t get it

2. A doctor getting kidnapped by a gang right in front of Nancy; now a doctor is getting kidnapped on a side street, a bit weird but not unheard of. But this is a gang. Now I don’t know much about gangs but I would assume kidnapping is illegal where Nancy lives so you would think that the gang would be a little more cautious committing felonies and not let a woman with a bright blue car watch them. Like come on, her car is a bright blue convertible, this is farmland, you are going to see it.

3. Nancy’s father; now ( surprise, surprise!) the gang wants Nancy! But not because they let her see them commit a felony but because the gang leader has beef with her father because he was the defending lawyer at his trial.

That’s all I have.

Thank you