A review by lattelibrarian
You Are Here by Dawn Lanuza


This collection of poems only grew stronger the more I read it.  These are highly relatable poems about heartbreak and loss and healing and depression.  Many of these poems are empathetic, and some are extremely, extremely poignant.  Lanuza understands what it's like to sleep too much, to sleep not enough, to grasp for control and comfort and affection and not obtain it.  

My favorite poems from this collection include "Plans," "A Silent Prayer," "Honey Sweet," and my absolute favorite, "Off With Your Head."  She understands the need to write, the need to heal, the need to recuperate.  So much of this collection is based off of understanding (if you couldn't tell!), and that makes it all the more accessible.

Design-wise--look at that cover!  It's cute, fresh, and absolutely contemporary.

Allow this book to fall into your hands.  Allow yourself to read it and to love it and to heal.  You'll thank yourself for it.

Review cross-listed here!