A review by cakt1991
From Cinderella to Countess by Annie Burrows


3.5 stars
I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

While I’ve outgrown some of the tropes I used to like when I was first introduced to romance, I still love a good Cinderella story, and From Cinderella to Countess is a good one. As Burrows indicates in her introductory note, the hero is hardly a Prince Charming, but this contains the bones of why I love that trope: a heroine living in an intolerable situation finds a way out and is rewarded for the hardship she faced.

I was unsure about how to feel about the initial power imbalance between Lord Lavenham and Eleanor, and how he essentially lords over her and presses his suit, seeking vengeance when she refuses and disappears. However, I ended up finding the relationship endearing, and ultimately, I felt this was meant to be a light read not meant to be taken too seriously.

That’s further reinforced by the masquerade plot Eleanor gets involved in with her “fairy godmother,” the Duchess. It’s all rather silly, and while it feels a little drawn out, it’s pure fun in the best way.

This book is really sweet and fun. I recommend it to anyone who loves a good historical romance.