A review by intermittent_farting
Flyboys: A True Story of Courage by James Bradley


I feel this book is mis-marketed. While it does tell the story of the American pilots gruesomely executed on Chichi Jima, that is a small part of the book. The meat of the story is aerial warfare in the Pacific coupled with the absolute atrocity that was the Pacific theatre in WWII. If you're not comfortable knowing truly horrific things, don't read this. I appreciate the author being objective, because the ugly truth is that the U.S. was on par with Japan and Germany as far as slaughtering civilians. The story also begins well before the war, in the Imperial Age where again, America was as heartless to its territorial conquests as any other conquering nation. One lovely example is the U.S. conquest of the Phillipines. If you Google that and can't take it, don't read this book.

I'm glad this info is out there and it was informative. Maybe if more people knew the reality of war, they may be more apt to avoid them in the future.