A review by anomalouspulsar
Sundered by Bethany Adams


So, I bought the first ebook on sale for a dollar- I didn’t have high expectations to be honest. Most of the series I’ve read that have the first book for free or steeply discounted haven’t been worth even the mitigated cost. With this, I was pleasantly surprised. Despite some complaints with the writing in the first volume, it was fun enough and intriguing enough that I found myself looking forward to the second book.

This book is better than the first, it feels like the author is better at pacing and discovering how to develop her characters in a way that actually shows growth, which was something the first book lacked: though honestly that one was setting the stage more than anything else.

These are fun reads, easy. They’re not masterpieces and they aren’t meant to be anything other than entertainment, which I find is often undervalued. If you can fund a good deal on them, I recommend picking them up! I’m excited about the novella next. :)