A review by corrie
Medusa's Touch by Emily L. Byrne


TiCara X273 was a war orphan on FoxCred Corporate Station, a child of barely thirteen cycles, when she saw her first medusa pilot. By then, she had also seen so many other things that to call her a “child” seemed inappropriate. In the eyes of station security, she was a thief, alley scum who could be used for target practice or worse. Hiding in a spaceship docking bay where she might be seen and captured in order to watch the medusa ships come in was tantamount to suicide. She did it anyway.”

I really loved Medusa’s Touch. Emily L. Byrne did a great job with the mythology, the world building and getting in touch with the space-speak of 2345 was no trouble at all. Pilot-Captain TiCara is a wonderful character. From her hard-knock life as an orphan on the streets and later as a bond-slave, her implants, her attraction to Vahn Corp rep Sherin Khan to her love for her ship the Astra and its crew.

I’m going the easy cave girl routine (see what I did there, Michele?) with this one and refer to the fantastic review Cheyenne Blue wrote. I’m too lazy to do it any better (as if, ha!)


Themes: well-written space romp, ships… stations… space battles… intrigue… trust issues… hot sex… what’s not to love?!

4.4 stars