A review by kalifer
No Way, They Were Gay?: Hidden Lives and Secret Loves (Queer History Project) by Lee Wind

Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
I think I overwhelmed myself with trying to read every queer book I could that I just ended up not reading quite a few. It doesn't help that these nonfiction queer books I've picked up are more geared towards young adults. I'm so used to reading adult nonfiction that reading young adult, especially learning about ideas and people I already know about, was a bit repetitive. I initially took these books out from the library to show my niece, who is a young queer person herself, but I was only able to get her to glance through a couple of them. I was hoping she'd take some home to read, but, sadly, she didn't. Thus, seeing as they're a bit too young for me, I'm going to pass on reading them and focus on more adult, queer nonfiction, seeing as young adult, as a category, doesn't seem to be doing much for me.