A review by libellum_aphrodite
Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson


I have heard a few men talk about this book, and was curious what the going advice is. Made for a fast airplane read.

Mark Manson (whose blog I do quite like) comes off as a tool, but a tool with surprisingly excellent advice. There is too much bragging about his conquests for my taste (I waited patiently for him to drop some insane number of women that he's slept with... and he did not disappoint), but I think his points about vulnerability, honesty, the fuck yes rule, and generally not wasting your (or her) time on poor matches are very spot on. If more men followed this advice, dating would suck markedly less. I feel he could have gotten these points across in much less book, but I can understand that his main audience probably needs the remedial repetition.