A review by lindsey8907
The Winter Witch by Paula Brackston


The Winter Witch is a story about a young girl who does not speak. Morgana is very different than others and has magic in her blood, so others call her a witch. When she receives word that she will be married to a young widow, she fears that she will be shunned again in this new town of her new husband, just like in her old home. Will she find an ally in Cai, her husband? Or will she be accused of witchery when evil shows it's face?

I really enjoyed The Winter Witch. This is the first book I've read by author Paula Brackston, but if her writing style is similar in her other book, The Witch's Daughter, I will definitely have to check it out. This story is set in an early nineteenth-century Welsh town, so the way people talk and think is much different than now. I loved the way the writing flowed and I loved reading the way people spoke. I only wish I could actually hear the characters talking!

I thought it was terrible the way Morgana was treated in the face of other's fear. I don't think I would have been able to ignore what the townspeople were saying and not care of their opinion as Morgana did; I admit I cried while reading these scenes of cruelty.

I really liked Cai, Morgana's husband. After he really got to know her, I loved the way he treated her and how tender he was with her. He was so sweet, and I enjoyed how protective of her he was, even when he was the one who needed protecting.

There was evil in this story, and I thought it was very well-written. There were scenes in which I felt the heartache would never end and that the evil would continue until everyone was dead, and I loved that the writing was able to pull such emotion out of me. I like reading stories that are able to make me feel for the characters, which The Winter Witch accomplished.

I can't wait to read more from Paula Brackston in the future.