A review by zealous_bibliophile
The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward


3.5 There is a lot of hating on UVA and Virginia. Not cool. There were also times where I was bored and skimming because the scene that was happening was super predictable or for the sixth time the characters were creating drama by not just talking to each other, which is ridiculous for 30 somethings and gets super old when it was happening to every single set of characters. Seriously, not one single person is capable of saying hey, hold on a sec, we all grew up on the WB/CW/UPN, lets skip the teen drama and I'll tell you what I'm thinking/worried about. Also, I don't like Lizzie. I said it. I don't care if you've been hurt before. That is not how you behave. Lane deserves better. They all deserve better. And Sutton is an idiot. Seriously, all this education, worldly, and business experience and not a brain between any of the characters, except maybe Mitch. Miss Aurora let those kids down. Jury is still out on Shelby.

You have a bunch of broken people dancing around each other to afraid to get hurt and hurting each other in the process, set in the south, with a Dynasty style mystery (I presume. Im not old enough to have watched the show but I'm pretty sure this is a who shot JR aka power southern family looks shiny from the outside but is a hot mess with a big bad looming over everyone.)