A review by coffeeandbooked
Dark Fire by C.J. Sansom


I absolutely loved the first book in this series, and couldn't wait to start this book.

This book follows Matthew Shardlake, as he is asked to investigate a murder by Joesph Wentworth, his niece is accused of murdering her little cousin, everything spirals from there and is set in the Tudor times.

I think this book could possibly be read without reading the first ALTHOUGH, events from the first book are mentioned.

I thought this book was slow-paced when it starts and takes a little while to get into but once I did again I quickly finished the book. Matthew Shardlake is such an interesting character and he has grown since the first book, but he does make some choices which were questionable at times, because of this I did prefer the 1st book.

The new character Barak took me some time to get used to, he was a little hit and miss at the first, I didn't like his personality but as the book went on, I really got to like him and would like to see where his story goes.

The plot was brilliant and took a few twists I wasn't expected, leading me to want to pick up the next book as soon as I can. C.J.Sansom is being an author I want to buy pretty much everything they have written. C.J.Sansom does have a degree in history and has included a historical note at the end of both books, telling you how the book events actually tie in with historical events during the Tudor times.

I do recommend checking out this series.