A review by shassler82
Forever Black by Sandi Lynn



***** 5 Stubborn Stars
“Live a little Connor, life is too short,”

Kudos to Ms. Lynn on her first novel! This was a wonderful story that wasn't too far fetched from real life, as most are. I have to say that Ellery is one of my favorite heroines.

Ellery Lane, 23, has had no shortage of tribulations in her young life. Losing her mother to cancer at age 6, she was left with an alcoholic father who died shortly before she turned 18. When Ellery was 16, she was diagnosed with Leukemia. After the loss of her parents and surviving cancer, Ellery's outlook on life is to live it to the fullest, after all, life is too short.

Following the sudden exit of live-in boyfriend Kyle, Ellery is taken out for a night on the town with girlfriend Peyton. While at the bar, Ellery witnesses an altercation between and man and woman. After the woman storms off, the man is left drunk and alone and is soon escorted from the bar. Concerned for his well being, Ellery goes home with the man to make sure that he does not succumb to the same fate as her father.

Millionaire playboy, Connor Black wakes up to a strange woman making herself at home in his kitchen. Connor, thinking that Ellery is a one night stand picked up from the bar, makes a nasty first impression. Finally realizing that Ellery had honorable intentions and was only helping him out, Connor thanks Ellery for her help.

To settle the score, Connor takes Ellery out to dinner to thank her for helping him get home from the bar. Connor and Ellery have both sworn off relationships, they are taboo and nothing lasts forever. They are both stubborn to a fault! Connor asks Ellery to be a friend, a companion and makes it clear that he is not looking for anything more. It doesn't take long for lines to blur and both will be breaking their own rules.

Ellery holds on to a life changing secret and Connor has a woman in his life that seems to be holding him back. Will Ellery's secret change things for her and Connor? And who is Ashlyn and what does she mean to Connor?

Connor, sigh, Connor is a great mix of alpha and sweetness. He is a millionaire but his wealth doesn't control the story. There are real life aspects that make the story surreal. There were many times that I teared up by the situations the characters are each faced with. I want to thank Ms. Lynn for allowing me to beta read Forever Black and for introducing me to Connor Black. I CANNOT wait for you all to meet Connor! This truly is a great romance!

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