A review by acej8
Absolute Brightness by Celeste Lecesne


Actually 3.5 Stars

I found myself gaining quickly through Absolute Brightness, even with it's immense volume of pages. I read a great part of it while I was at work on break. In all the story itself was easy enough to follow. The characters seem defined enough, though sometimes their exhibited characteristics were some what vague. Phoebe's character I found to be somewhat annoying at many parts and her explanatory monologues got laborious A LOT. Sometimes I found myself thinking "Just get to the point already. This 474 page book (which is an ARC version from 2008) could have shaved off at least 100 or so of those. I wanted more of Leonard than what was offered. Which I gather is a good thing. I loved the general message though, as it is one thing I personally can relate to.