A review by justlily
Revel by Maurissa Guibord


I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did! Before this I had really bad luck with YA siren/mermaid stories. I honestly can't think of another one that I even liked, but I can think of a handful that I absolutely loathed.

But this was good! Except........for Delia. The main character. Who is the stupidest, brattiest, most selfish little *insert colorful word here* that she possibly could have been. The island and all its side characters were great. The mythology was great. Everything was great except for the fact that every time Delia opened her mouth (which is a lot, unfortunately) I wanted to punch her in the throat.

She constantly puts herself before absolutely everyone else, including her friends and family, and not just in a "lookin out for #1" type way. But in a "I'm literally about to get every single one of you murdered....but it's okay because I refuse to just play nice! I'm a strong independent siren who...doesn't give a shit if you die or not." It's really unbecoming and ruins the whole wayward orphan finds a home effect that the author was going for.

Ignoring Delia, I enjoyed reading this. It went fast, kept my interest. Good stuff.