A review by abookgoblin
Waking Up the Sun by Laura Bailo


I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Welp, that was a bummer... My first EARC provided by NetGalley that I DNF'd. Sadly, I couldn't continue this book primarily because of its writing style. I hated the continuous "he did this... then he did this...he picked up this...". I missed internal monologues and diverse sentence structures to create some sort of mystical feel to, not only the forest in which Lander is stuck but also his own character as he is, apparently, a mage of some sort? Or he has some kind of healing power at least.

The reason why I at least gave this book 3 stars despite DNF'ing it is because of the anxiety rep. I did like Lander's character being angsty and needing some kind of "potion" to keep his anxiety under control. However, that's about it. I disliked Yban's character from the gecko. His first conversation with Lander by the fire is just him trying to shut up Lander and shaming him for being too eager to flipping trying to make sense of what's going on? They're talking about this flower when Lander wants to know why it's hanging on everyone's door and all Yban says is "will you let me finish?" GOD, SURE DAD. I don't know. Characters like that always rub me the wrong way.

Is it a "it's not you, it's me" kind of book? I don't know. I guess, considering the other reviews published about this book? Still, I didn't care for it.