A review by haletostilinski1
Pros & Cons of Desire by A.E. Wasp


3.75 stars rounded up!



I do very much enjoy this series, and overall this third installment was enjoyable, and I did like Ridge and Davis together.

My main reason for taking off a 1.25 stars is because I felt like this moved really fast between Ridge and Davis. There was a hint of something going on between them in book 2, but we didn't get to see it, really, and in this things start happening and then we learn through somewhat of a flashback that they slept together, and they have been sleeping together for however long.

We get Ridge going to see Davis with one hot sex scene and then the main events happen in about one night and then these two are already confessing love for each other, but then at the very end we do get the promise of a HFN but we don't
Spoilereven get to see these two together. Davis gets shot so he has to stay behind while Ridge and the others have to leave because of reasons you'll have to read to find out.
and then the story was over and it felt very abrupt.

Their relationship just progressed way too fast and we didn't get to see enough of them being together and all these moments leading up to love.

The plot was still enjoyable, and I still enjoyed these two and liked them together. But it was just too fast and then not enough of them at the end for my tastes. I think the ending, at least, could have been better.

Now we're getting Carson's book next, which I'm excited for, yes, but also we won't get any more with Ridge and Davis, and that made me ultimately give less than 4 stars with this, because there wasn't enough of these two in the first place, and what there was of them went way too fast.

Overall, pretty good third installment, but could have been better, with more care taken with the writing of this relationship.

I still recommend this, it was still a fun read overall, but the fastness just didn't work the best for me.