A review by lizmart88
Start Here: Instructions for Becoming a Better Cook by Sohla El-Waylly

adventurous informative
I can't rate a cookbook but I loved this! I am not a big cookbook reader, but I read this one cover to cover! As someone who was taught to cook by my mother, this is the closest book I've ever read that mimics how she taught me to cook starting with the fundamentals - how to taste, how to add, how to improvise. Very much enjoyed many of the recipes!

My only critique is that she can be very dismissive about dietary restrictions. She makes a disparaging comment about things that are gluten-free not being as good, even as she provides some gluten free options. That felt very dismissive and condescending to me. Many of us have dietary restrictions for medical reasons and I wish she had been more inclusive and understanding for those of who struggle with a variety of restrictions whether it's related to gluten or dairy or anything else. We already know how hard it is to modify recipes!