A review by bookishwithwine
The Janes by Louisa Luna


I absolutely loved Two Girls Down, so when I heard there was another book coming out, I knew I wanted to read it.  Lucky for me I won The Janes through a Bookish First Giveaway!  

Let me tell you that if you liked Two Girls Down, you will not be disappointed with Alice Vega #2.  You could read this as a standalone, but then you won't be familiar with Vega and Cap.  Together they make one dynamic duo.  Cap is no longer surprised by Vegas crazy antics, and they seem to read each others thoughts.  That's one thing I love about Vega, her crazy, but humorous to me, antics.

This did read a lot slower than Two Girls Down, but I was ok with that.  It is more detailed, and there are a lot more people to keep track of.  The investigation to find out what happened to the Janes is a little drawn out, so that may bore some readers.  I was sucked in the entire time, and I did not lose interest.  However, with there being so many people involved in the investigation, I did need to read some parts twice.

With that said, I thought everything tied up into a nice bow.  It was interesting to me how everyone was connected.  That ending! It's one ending I will never forget.  I thought it was genius, and very typical Alice Vega antics.  Justice doesn't get anymore sweet than that.

Thank you @bookishfirst and @doubledaybooks for my ARC.