A review by gamecocksara
Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Tom Sweterlitsch


I am waiting for Mike to read this so I can discuss it w/him... but I don't want to forget the following things:

1. I found the style in which the author wrote conversations a bit strange. Most (like, really... almost all of them) sentences of dialogue between characters ended with a dash - almost like each sentence ended in mid-sentence. I don't know, it was just very odd to me & I found it distracting.

2. I don't know if I would think this if I didn't live in Pittsburgh, but a lot of local references seemed forced at times. Like, there were too many of them/too many specifics? I don't know.

Overall, interesting book, albeit not what I was expecting. All the violent themes (esp w/respect to women) made me uneasy, perhaps because they seem plausible given media trends, etc. lately. So that's not a knock on the book, more just... a heads up. I finished this late at night & just felt generally uneasy about it.