A review by priya_amrev
Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon


You know how some things overwhelm your senses so much, are so heart hitting that you Have to experience them in the absolute quiet and darkness of your room. So that you can be fully exposed to the range, the entirety of the event. So that your whole being can be consumed by the art that you are consuming.
This book is one of those things. I got to the part where he asks her Wdyhm? And I had to stop reading until I could reach the peace of my room. I’ll start again now.
But some things I don’t like:
1) he bullies her for the things she enjoys - romance novels. I guess she reciprocated too by teasing him about his freckles.

But they’re showing that he’s kind of becoming nice. Kind of showing his vulnerability. I guess this is the part where they get to know each other.

But why does this girl have my thoughts. So many of them.

Absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful. Started around 11 and stayed up until 2am reading this.

This is the kind of love I dream of.